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Norwegian School of Sport Sciences: Improve performances in alpine skiing thanks to Insiders’ sensors.

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences: Improve performances in alpine skiing thanks to Insiders’ sensors.

Insiders was introduced to the NIH (Norwegian School of Sports Science) through a research collaboration with the EPFL.

NIH is a University that is specialized on sport science and is world renowned within several sport science disciplines. The NIH uses high accuracy tracking solutions as a reference in their laboratory to validate and implement consumer grade tracking solutions such as the INTENSE sensor (called before, AdMosLive) in various winter and summer sports projects. On our side, we have used the knowledge and expertise of the NIH to conduct validation studies of our products.

«  We have chosen the INTENSE receivers to log training in alpine ski racing. The units are used on a daily basis in the Norwegian Alpine Ski Team to log and map out the training characteristics of alpine skiing, similar as this is done in team sports, and performance. Prior to the implementation of the units we have conducted a validation study to investigate the accuracy of the Intense sensor for use in alpine ski racing. »

Matthias Felix Gilgien,
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Performance

→ Discover the Norwegian School of Sports Science

Insiders was introduced to the NIH (Norwegian School of Sports Science) through a research collaboration with the EPFL.

NIH is a University that is specialized on sport science and is world renowned within several sport science disciplines. The NIH uses high accuracy tracking solutions as a reference in their laboratory to validate and implement consumer grade tracking solutions such as the Intense sensor (called before, AdMosLive) in various winter and summer sports projects. On our side, we have used the knowledge and expertise of the NIH to conduct validation studies of our products.

«  We have chosen the Intense receivers to log training in alpine ski racing. The units are used on a daily basis in the Norwegian Alpine Ski Team to log and map out the training characteristics of alpine skiing, similar as this is done in team sports, and performance. Prior to the implementation of the units we have conducted a validation study to investigate the accuracy of the Intense sensor for use in alpine ski racing. »

Matthias Felix Gilgien,
Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Performance

→ Discover the Norwegian School of Sports Science